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Links, Laws and Books for Passport Collectors


Links Laws Books Passport

GERMAN LAWS, REGULATIONS Links Laws Books Passport


  • Excellencies – The Württemberg Embassy in Berlin 1803-1937.A great source with biographies of all 23 ambassadors.
  • The American passport: its history and a digest of laws, rulings, and regulations governing its issuance by the Department of State, United States,  Gaillard Hunt, 1898
  • The United States passport: past, present, future United States. Dept. of State. Passport Office, 1976
  • The Passport in America: The History of a Document, Craig Robertson, 2010
  • Papers please!: Identity Documents, Permits and Authorizations of the Third Reich, Ray Cowdery, 1996
  • Paspoort. Een parade van Nederlandse reisdocumenten, Tom van Beek, 1995
  • Der Passexpedient: Geschichte der Reisepässe und Ausweisdokumente – vom Mittelalter bis zum Personalausweis im Scheckkartenformat, Andreas Reisen, 2012
  • Documenting Individual Identity: The Development of State Practices in the Modern World, Jane Caplan, John C. Torpey, 2001
  • Every Assistance & Protection: A History of the Australian Passport, Jane Doulman, David Lee, 2008
  • Let Pass Or Die – Passport History, 350 pages/180 pictures, Tom Topol, 2019

Links Laws Books Passport

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